UMB Health
Creating Well-being Whilst Being Unwell - 1. Introduction
Lifestyle Article Information
Arjan Bogaers
Nov 22, 2021
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- "Illness is the night-side of life, a more onerous citizenship. Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well and in the kingdom of the sick. Although we all prefer to use only the good passport, sooner or later, each of us is obliged, at least for a spell, to identify ourselves as citizens of that other place." Susan Sontag
It is estimated that globally, one in three adults suffer from multiple (not single) chronic conditions. In the U.S., as in many First-World countries, the amount of people who suffer from at least one chronic health condition amounts to up to 45%. In addition, many chronic mental health conditions are often excluded in these estimations.
Although Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lower back pain and migraines are considered the most-occurring of chronic health conditions, a comprehensive listing beginning with Acanthamoeba keratitis and ending with Williams syndrome would cover some 650 conditions, including mental health disorders. All in all, these are frightening figures ( presented before the Covid pandemic ! ).
To make this real, many millions of people are managing, or not managing, every single day, right now, the symptoms, distresses, limitations, and physical/emotional pain associated with their condition(s).
The greatest and most difficult challenge over and over again expressed by those whose lives have irrevocably and permanently changed as the result of a chronic health condition is: “How do I live a life that I did not choose?” “How do I live a life that I feel does not belong to me?”
And indeed; how do we create a biography from a biographical disagreement?
No one, however resilient, confident and courageous they are, is ever prepared for this. Neither are we equipped.
In time, painstakingly and leaving a trail of failures, we might come to re-create a life within a life – often the result of major inner emotional and mental shifts.
As part of our work, Heart and Soul Coaching and Counselling is offering here a series of supporting articles under the theme: Creating Well-being Whilst Being Unwell. This series covers a wide range of relevant topics, such as working with illness, quality of life, emotional expression, acceptance and life purpose, just to name a few.
As a therapist, I am of the conviction that the best support and outcomes are to be gained from establishing a therapeutic relationship by means of consultations and closely-facilitated programs, as opposed to self-help programs. I am also aware that not everyone can freely afford such avenues.
This series Creating Well-being Whilst Being Unwell, therefore, can be utilized by the reader as a course program, of sorts. For this, you can assess and evaluate each topic against the background of your circumstances and needs, and decide on measures to be taken in order to improve that particular area.
If you feel, however, that you would wish a much more thorough and individual support, please feel free to request this as a facilitated course, including unlimited emails and Therapeutic Writing exercises, by just sending a line to: