UMB Health Tips to Increase the Basal Metabolic Rate (Rate at which you burn calories):

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  • Tips to Increase the Basal Metabolic Rate (Rate at which you burn calories):


    Any smart ways to shed pounds?

    Increasing the metabolic rate? Is it possible?

    Yes, there are ways to boost-up metabolism. While exercising and building more muscle are some of the best ways to speed up metabolism, here are 6diet tips to raise your metabolic rate to some extent:


    Coffee boosts-up metabolism up-to three hours after consumption!


    Does it mean - the more coffee you drink the better it is? NO…


    3 to 5 cups/400 mg of coffee a day is considered safe for healthy adults but, it depends on the individual. We are different, so our bodies are… Some may feel fantastic after a strong cup whereas others may come up with heartburn, irritations and sleep problems. You are the best judge of how much coffee is best for you. If you want to start coffee, go slow and increase your consumption gradually only if it’s giving you plus signs!


    Check your health: Heart ailments and anxiety disorders may ban your coffee consumption altogether.



    Avoid coffee/ Caffeinated drinks before 6 hours of sleep, to avoid sleep disturbance.  


     2. Sip a green tea!

     4 cups of green tea a day, increase the metabolic rate (Pubmed, PMC3908530, 11694607.)


    Up-to 4 cups of tea a day are considered safe.


    In addition, Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Regular tea drinkers pose a low risk to many diseases including cancer.



    Brew tea bags for 5 minutes for great results.


    3. Spice up!

     Ginger, Fennel, Turmeric, Red chillies, Capsicum annuum and Mustard have a proven track record of increasing the basal metabolic rate.



    Sprinkle Red chilli flakes over soups

    Add grated Ginger to your favourite salad

    Add Turmeric while cooking rice

     4. Small and frequent meals are great ways to gear up

     Metabolism slows down between meals. Small and frequent meals every three-to-four hours, rev up metabolism.

    On the contrary, skipping meals slows down metabolism. In addition It burns muscles and not fat, which further slows down the metabolic rate.



    Keep low calorie, healthy snacks: Nuts and Seeds handy.


     5. Dark chocolates and lose weight?

     Yes, Dark chocolates increase the basal metabolic rate!

    A research was conducted for two weeks with 1.5 ounce of dark chocolate a day. The results were conclusive. Stress hormones curb the fat breakdown which hinders weight-loss. Uncooked cocoa checks stress hormones!


     6. In addition, Healthy diet also increases BMR!


    • Water Increases BMR up-to 30%
    • Apples and berries boost metabolism owing to their rich fiber content
    • Lean meat has proteins that rev up metabolism
    • Sea weeds and sea foods increase BMR due to rich Omega-3 fatty acids and Iodine content
    • Yogurt boosts metabolism; thanks to Calcium, Vitamin D and Probiotics/ healthy bacteria


    Bottom Line: Diet and exercise play big in weight reduction!


    Output (Calories burnt) higher than input (Calories consumed) sheds pounds!

    Exercise and Building muscle mass are the best ways to speedy metabolism.

    Weigh yourself more often (every Saturday morning? Some call it every morning!) and know where you are heading!


    Consult your physician for a personalized advice.